Saturday, August 3, 2019

Feeling Sorrowful...Turn Toward Your Mother

For the past few months I have been pondering the sorrows of our Blessed Mother. Today I came across a response to why the Sacred Heart image of our Blessed Mother and Jesus are not crazy...there is rich symbolism there to draw you in to their immaculate hearts.

Meaning of Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Currently there are several friends from college that are expecting a baby at any moment. I am so happy for them and joyful that in a few weeks time they will all be welcoming a new baby into their families. A seven years ago I probably would not have commented I was joyful. My heart has been filled with sorrow after losing our son, Christopher in-utero due to a cord injury. HE was perfect, beautiful, and we had so many hopes and dreams for him in our world. I was in disbelief for days after breaking the news to his four adoring siblings and to witness his funeral mass and burial. HE opened my heart to feel sorrow. HE mended it with the help of our Mother in heaven.

This year I attended our women led parish retreat. During my quiet time I was able to reflect on my journey through grief. Immediately the experiences and prayers cleared my heart and planted a seed of hope to begin a new journey...Sorrowful Doula support certification. My parish was beginning a Bereavement Support group and was asking for volunteers. (my hand is raised!) You can follow my journey at Boundless Joy and Hope as I seek certification from the Catholic Doula Network and Global Grief Support to walk alongside families experiencing infant and pregnancy loss.

Imprint, O Lady, thy wounds upon my heart, that I may read therein sorrow and love---sorrow to endure every sorrow for thee, love to de>spise every love for thee. Amen.

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