Saturday, August 3, 2019

Feeling Sorrowful...Turn Toward Your Mother

For the past few months I have been pondering the sorrows of our Blessed Mother. Today I came across a response to why the Sacred Heart image of our Blessed Mother and Jesus are not crazy...there is rich symbolism there to draw you in to their immaculate hearts.

Meaning of Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

Currently there are several friends from college that are expecting a baby at any moment. I am so happy for them and joyful that in a few weeks time they will all be welcoming a new baby into their families. A seven years ago I probably would not have commented I was joyful. My heart has been filled with sorrow after losing our son, Christopher in-utero due to a cord injury. HE was perfect, beautiful, and we had so many hopes and dreams for him in our world. I was in disbelief for days after breaking the news to his four adoring siblings and to witness his funeral mass and burial. HE opened my heart to feel sorrow. HE mended it with the help of our Mother in heaven.

This year I attended our women led parish retreat. During my quiet time I was able to reflect on my journey through grief. Immediately the experiences and prayers cleared my heart and planted a seed of hope to begin a new journey...Sorrowful Doula support certification. My parish was beginning a Bereavement Support group and was asking for volunteers. (my hand is raised!) You can follow my journey at Boundless Joy and Hope as I seek certification from the Catholic Doula Network and Global Grief Support to walk alongside families experiencing infant and pregnancy loss.

Imprint, O Lady, thy wounds upon my heart, that I may read therein sorrow and love---sorrow to endure every sorrow for thee, love to de>spise every love for thee. Amen.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


If you love entering blog giveaways...this is worthwhile the entry.  Montessori Print Shop is celebrating their birthday with many giveaways.  Check what I am trying to win (my lucky streak might allow me to win another fabulous prize).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I'm a winner!

Thank you to Jessie and Montessori Print Shop for the wonderful addition to our school shelves.

It has been too long that I haven't made Montessori materials. For the past five years I have collected, purchased, and made many works for our shelves. I am excited to have an easy out. Montessori Print Shop has a wonderful product line. I have downloaded many works to the iPad and use them with Trumpet instead of printing and laminating. Now we are getting some upgrades with this new and FREE set of miscellaneous materials.

Thank you for keeping me motivated on our Montessori journey, Trumpet is beginning the pink reading series and Sprout is just beginning many areas. Our girls always return to their Montessori lessons by leading their brothers. Tulip is using her shelf items during breaks from her school work and Daisy just began cursive...back to the salt tray. She requested coffee grinds, but I also use sand or salt to change out the texture of our trays.

New year for our sprouts

Its now 2012 and I have neglected to keep this blog going. Sorry, so much organization has taken place, schooling is in full swing and then...we were off to vacation and the holidays flew by.

This month Daisy started attending our local homeschool co-op for art. She is learning art history and how to use different mediums in her art works. This is a wonderful opportunity for her to explore art without my influence. She is beginning a Picasso study this week. Her teacher is well prepared and has handouts and questions for her to complete. Homework! Her first homework and a need for a folder and bag to carry things home. She is excited! I'll be heading to the library for support materials and she can 'study' the prints and really learn on her own (the IPad has been a useful tool for prints). We are moving on from Mommy it's a Renior series. She has already shared with me about Rousseau learning how to paint on his own. What a motivator for her to know that not everyone needs a teacher to learn...experimenting and learning independently using the talent God gave you.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reading Carnival

On Monday and Thursdays I get the chance to be with Sprout and Trumpet while their sisters attend ballet.  So, we head to the nearest library for some much needed R&R with books.  I love books!  Especially children's picture books...and it is hard to try not to purchase them so the library of course is the best alternative (and the fines still make a great bargain for a free education).  This year I plan to spend this quality time with the boys looking at their interests in books.  I have used the FIAR series as my backdrop for the girls early book reading and now the boys are onto...well...boy themed books.  We recently read, Pirate School and Trumpet was so excited to hear about pirates other than Disney tales.

Today, I happend to find an interesting topic at blog.  Their family sits down to read books as a Reading Carnival.  I've done this before but without purpose.  When you arrive home from the library with your fifty some odd books you start to sort among early readers, chapterbooks, etc.  Then everyone crowds around to chose their book.  Well she cuddles in for some reading fun by choosing five or more books to read in one sitting a week.  Sometimes, Sprout really wants a Thomas the Train read-a-thon and we have fun laughing and giggling with his train friends.  Trumpet is enjoying anything with Greek mythology and Hercules was a great beginning.  We read the Usborne Hercules in two days and his comprehension of the chapters was amazing.  The trouble, I must confess, is getting to read to all four children  their interests.  We read many books together during morning basket or in the evenings, but not individually.  I tend to group by boys and girls and they chose two books at night time.  That's a lot of mommy reading!  So, I will give it a try and commit to one day a week being a "Reading Carnival."

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tilling the Garden

Much is happening in our South Florida garden...that is the view from inside our home!  This week the master gardener (my hubby) tended to our garden's master plans...His invaluable ideas on the layout of our school room, purchasing storage and organizational help, have made a great and happy gardener out of me.  Though we are not new to homeschooling...this master plan was essential for our family to agree on what we envision for our children's growth to be in the next ten years...Planting well, watering, and caring for their souls to sprout and hold firm in their Catholic faith.
I guess I should begin by introducing you to me.  I grew up in many locations in Florida and Georgia and was raised in a single-family home.  I say home lightly, because we moved so much that I know my mother always tried to improve our living by moving into better apartments and rental homes.  I have two brothers and two sisters...and yes, I'm the middle child.  My father is a high school principal, my paternal grandfather was an Air force college instructor, and my grandfather's family has many teachers among them.  By the time I made it to college, Florida State University, I had a clear vision of becoming a teacher.  I still remember that as I was Confirmed the bishop had told me that I 'would lead many children'.  I received my undergrad in Early childhood education and moved to the University of Georgia to receive my Masters in Education.  Upon returning to Florida my husband proposed to me after four years of dating, and I accepted joyfully.  Now eight years later we have seen our patch of garden grow...Daisy is our beautiful first born daughter and entering second grade, Tulip our second daughter is entering first grade, while Trumpet our first son is beginning kindergarten, and then our little Sprout (second son) is happy to do hands-on projects keeping us punctual about pulling those weeds...and we do have a lot of them!  The bishop did bless my vocation of motherhood with these wonderful seedlings.  After teaching preschool, kindergarten, and first grade at public and private schools I was introduced to the wonderful world of motherhood with our first child. Through prayer and after much toiling we are firm that our parental duty is to educate our children in the home to nurture their souls...and as Catholic Heritage Curriculum says, "educating for eternity." It is a privilege to home educate and I am thankful for my husband's support and our group of Catholic families who also educate their children at home.  It is through their examples of parenting that has taught me how to nurture my own.  I am so happy to be called mom daily and receive blessings from our children.  They have taught me how to turn a pebble laden patch of land into a blossoming garden.  I do hope you come back to check in on us and stay for a picnic and tea.